Wednesday, March 2, 2011

To Save A life

Got to ask you something serious:  How far are you willing to go to save a life?  STOP, before you go any further read that question again.  OK, we are surrounded by friends, family, and neighbors.  Some of them you are probably willing to do almost anything for.  Some of them you would give them your last dime, you might give them what you have to eat, you may put gas in their car for them, you may let them borrow your favorite jewelry or book.  If they needed a blood transfusion you would probably do it, if they needed a kidney or a liver you may do it, how bout a bone marrow transplant? 

If you knew they would be injured in a house fire or in a car wreck, what would you do?  Would you try to stop it, would you warn them, would you beg them not to go?  Of course you would, because your a friend.

The unfortunate thing is that alot of people we know are going to die and go to a place called Hell, and we sit back and say nothing.....

read below about some friends to where willing to do whatever it took "To Save a Life"

18 Some men came carrying a paralytic on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.
20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.” (Lk 5:18-20)
This paralyzed man had to depend upon his close friends to get him to Jesus.  He believed that if they could get Him to Jesus, he would be healed; what great faith he had.  When they arrived at the home Jesus was in it was so packed they couldn't even get close.  At this point I'm afraid most of us would have given up, but not them.  They hoisted him up on the roof (if you have ever picked up dead weight, you'll understand how difficult that is), and dug a hole through the roof and lowered him down.  Jesus seeing their love and determination not only healed this man physically but healed him Spiritually.
Huge lesson to be learned here, be a true whatever it takes...don't sit back and allow people around you to die and not spend eternity with you and me in heaven. 
Not if you go to worship tonight, but as you go to worship tonight bring a friend, family member, neighbor.  You can make a difference, you can make an impact, you can be a true friend!!!
blessings, and go somewhere to worship tonight, it's in your best interest :)

1 comment:

  1. Great word! You had me thinking about that movie "to save a life" and then BAM hit me with one of my favorite scriptures!! Thanks Chris
