Saturday, December 6, 2014



The life of a leper.

A man with leprosy came to him and begged him on his knees, “If you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus was indignant. He reached out his hand and touched the man. “I am willing,” he said. “Be clean!” Immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed. (Mark 1:40-42 NIV)

Leprocy  was a death sentence, your body would rot and u will die.  At the very outset of a slight inclination of someone having leprosy they where immediately kicked out of their own home, abandoned by their loved ones, and having to depend on themselves.  Leprocy is a disease that still to this day there is no exact known reason as to how it is contracted (Wikipedia). 

So a leper has to lead this life of loneliness, isolation, and helplessness due to no fault of their own.

If the leper comes into the town for any reason they are to yell "unclean unclean", so people will run in the opposite direction.  Why? Because they don't want to be seen, associate, or contract.  Can you imagine how a leper feels if he has to go into his hometown and he sees the ones he loves, but instead of coming to his aid, finding out how he feels, or even acknowledge him they turn away and act as if they never knew him.  

Have you ever felt like the leper.  Lonely.  Isolated.  Helpless.  Scared.  Hopeless.

For this one leper the story doesn't end with those feelings.  He comes to Jesus.  Wait, he straight up walked to Jesus.  He fell at the feet of Jesus, and he asked to be healed.  We must pause to see Jesus reaction, he was indignant (better translated as full of compassion).  It's interesting to note here that it was not the ones closest to him that met the leper in his greatest time of need, it was Jesus.

When everyone else turned their back on him, Jesus faced him.  When everyone else would run the opposite direction, Jesus stayed.  When no one would listen to him, Jesus did. When he felt his loneliest, Jesus was there. In the hour of his greatest need, Jesus was there.  When no one one would associate with him, Jesus became his friend.  When he asked to be healed Jesus did.  When the leper needed someone to believe in him, Jesus did.

And when the rest had given up on him, Jesus didn't.

Sometimes we feel like a leper: lonely, isolated, helpless, scared, and hopeless.  

We must remember 

When everyone turns their backs on you, Jesus faces you
When they run Away, Jesus stays
When no one will listen, Jesus does
When you feel your loneliest, Jesus is there
When you are at the hour of greatest need, Jesus is there
When no one will associate with you, Jesus is your friend
When you need to be healed, Jesus will
When you need someone to believe in you, Jesus does
When everyone gives up on you, Jesus doesn't 

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