Wednesday, May 22, 2013

My Time

So breaking from the norm today...

Today I want to just tell a little more about me, what is it that I would do if i had free time, or we will call it "my time"....

Well first of all, this is a hard concept to grasp anymore.  Parenthood changes that.  I'm not complaining, Love my kids, love my wife, and love my life.  However, I had to really think long and hard about this.  It has been a very very long time since I had "me time".  Life is consumed daily now with do they have homework done, what are we having for dinner, and oh my goodness is it bath night.....

So I will blog about what "used" to by "my time" and talk about what I would do now for "my time", so here it goes.

  • Well in the "old days", "my time" used to be riding my motorcycle.  Those who ride will know the feeling I refer to.  The feeling of the open road, the sunshine bearing down on you, the wind against your body, the feeling of freedom.  Riding would always clear my mind.  Even if you where riding in a group you had time just to yourself to gather your thoughts.  Nothing like the feeling of the open road.  I used to love to go ride with no particular place or direction, just to ride.  However, several years ago I sold my bike and havn't replaced it.  No time anymore.
  • Playing Golf.  I love being outdoors, playing golf was my way of spending time outdoors.  I never was any good, but just the feeling of being outside was great.  Never really let my score stress me, I wasn't there to try to impress anyone with low score, If I was any good at it I would be a pro golfer instead of a youth pastor.  Golf is one of those games where you have to play it often to be any good.  Ten years ago I would play atleast twice a month, then it dwindled to once a month, then once every other month, to once a year, and now I haven't played in probably two years.  Two reasons why:  one golf is expensive and two don't have time.
That was then, this is now:
  • Jogging/walking.  This is what I do now.  Gets me outdoors (even in winter), cause i don't do treadmill I like to be out in the elements.  "my time", clears my head and gives me excersize, which are two things I need.  When I get free time, this is now what I do.  It's a great way to start the day.
  • Playing with my kids.  If your a parent you know what I'm talking about when I say my kids can frustrate the hound out of me, and yet at the same time I love spending time with my kids.  When I'm away from work, this is what I want to do.  When I have free time, this is what I want to do.  I have discovered they are growing fast and before I know it they will be too old to play with, or they won't want to spend time with Dad anymore.  So I am getting all the play time in I can.
  • There really isn't much time for "my time", but if I did : I like to play guitar, play xbox, read, travel, swim, hike, and spend time with friends.
Have a great day, Chris

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