Friday, November 15, 2013

To those who wear a badge

Today I would like to give a shout out to the men and women of law enforcement.  Those who truly have a "thankless" job.  I have learned over the last several years how unappreciated this branch of service is.

I have a habit now of when I run into a license check or if I see an officer out somewhere I try to take a moment and just thank them.  The looks I get are like "what did you say" or "is this guy loony" or even the "wonder what he is up to". 

This is such a shame.  The men and women of law enforcement work as hard as our military at keeping us safe.  Try and think of our neighborhoods without law enforcement.  Unfortunately most people look at our law enforcement in a negative way.

I have made an effort to have my kids and our kids at church more exposed to our local law enforcement in a "positive" atmosphere and not just a negative one.    I love that an officer goes to the school to read to my elementary age children, and they love it too.  Law enforcement are here to help as public servants, and not just to "arrest the bad guy", and our local agencies are making a positive effort to improve that area of public relations.

Thank you very much to the men and women of law enforcement for your efforts to keep our neighborhoods safe, my family and I appreciate it.

My challenge to you is:  thank a person of law enforcement today....

Have a great Friday,


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