Thursday, February 19, 2015



So I have to be honest, I very much dislike waiting.  It is definitely NOT one of my strong points.  I very much disdain waiting in line, waiting in traffic, waiting on a text, waiting on an email, waiting on test results, or waiting on a phone call.

Don't you just LOVE going to the doctor.  You sign in and wait in the waiting room, your name gets called and you breathe a sigh of relief because you have waited for a while.  Well, don't get too excited because they take you to your examination room so that you can.... yep you guessed it wait some more.

So when I read the following verse, I have some personal problems to deal with when it comes to waiting:

14 Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.  (Ps 27:14., NIV)

Not just once, but twice the verse tells us to "wait" for the Lord.  Yet, the verse tells us how.  Two ways:  One be strong and two take heart.  Sounds easy doesn't it.  Being strong and taking heart comes in waves to me.  I have moments when I am waiting that I feel as strong as an ox and the heart of a champion, but then I also have moments when I feel as strong as a yearling and the heart of the cowardly lion.

So I have made a list of a few suggestions that may help as we wait upon the Lord:

  1. Keep good company.  Have you ever noticed when you have a long wait in front of you, like being at a theme park, that if you are around people that you like it doesn't seem like too long.  I remember many times standing in line for a thrill ride being told it's an hour wait, and yet standing in line laughing and joking makes the time pass.  So while waiting for the Lord, surround yourself with people that you can spend time with that will make you laugh and encourage you during the wait.  You WANT people around you who will give you strength and encourage you during the time of waiting....
  2. Manage your time wisely.  Time management is always an issue.  Whether you are busy busy busy or waiting.  You can either waste the time or take advantage of it.  Read, write, work on the honey-do list, pick up a hobby.  Spend time with family.  Make the most out of every free minute you have.
  3. Be selfish.  I know that may sound strange, but hear me out.  Be selfish with your time with the Lord, your time with your family, and your time with your spouse.  Take this time as "me" time.  We spend so much time trying to please others, so use the "wait" time for things you and your family may enjoy.
  4. Refocus.  Waiting is also a time to refocus.  Hone in on your relationship with God.  Think about a 1,2,5,10, 15 year plan.  Then strategically think about how you will accomplish those plans.
  5. Rest.  Have you ever been on vacation and when you return home thought to yourself (or maybe even said) "boy, I need a vacation from my vacation".  Waiting on the Lord may be your time to de-stress, relax, and rest.  Maybe, just maybe, God knew you where over stressed, over worked, and needing a rest.
  6. Running.  Well ok if your not a runner this won't make any sense.  However one of my complaints before was not having time to get those "long distance" training runs in.  If the weather co-operates I currently have the time to train and not take away from family time.
Maybe you have a suggestion for the time while we Wait upon the Lord, comment and let me know...

remember that waiting upon the Lord is a time of preparation and not a time of punishment...


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