Tuesday, December 11, 2012

I forget to laugh

Sometimes I forget to laugh, do you?

The day to day grind, getting the kids homework done, getting supper ready, getting laundry done, and needing to clean the house.  All these things consume the day, and when I lay my head down at night I realize in all of this:  I forgot to laugh today.  How important is that?

"4 a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance," (Ec 3:4, NIV)

There HAS to be a time to laugh, for my sanity, for your sanity.  So here it is in the "most wonderful time of the year" which also is the most stressful time of the year, and I have to, you have to, make time to "laugh".  Now don't get me wrong we don't need to walk around laughing like blubbering fools, but there has to be a point in every day where we laugh.  It changes the mood, it can turn the day around, it can relieve stress, and I NEED it.

I got the time to weep, time to mourn, time to work part down, how bout you?  The hardest part is getting the time to laugh, time to dance part done.  It's like the weep, mourn, and stress consume us.  So what do we do:  we have to work harder at finding time to laugh, finding time to let go and relax.

I have a group of friends that we have been getting together once a month for the last several months and we eat dinner and we, yep you guessed it, we laugh.  We laugh ALOT, and it's great (thank you Brandy, Jeanne, RAchel, and Brian).  Do you have that?

One of my favorite Christmas movies is "National Lampoons Christmas Vacation", it is the silliest movie ever made, but it makes me laugh.  So enjoy the clip and go ahead and laugh you know you want to:

Have a great day, Love ya, Chris

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