Thursday, September 27, 2012

how to pull of that interview

Isn't having a job interview one of the most nerve racking, gut wrenching, and challenging experiences we go through in life.  I remember in college taking a class that took through the whole process:  Resume and cover letter, dressing for the interview (power suit, power tie, posture, eloquence in speaking, etc.), follow up letter, follow up interview, etc. and on and on.  It's grueling.  Heart pumping as hard as it can go, trying not to fidget around in the chair, clearing your voice so you don't sound like there is a froggie in there, and trying not to sweat (cause you never want to let them see you sweat).  Then you have to try to sell yourself to the company, trying to make them believe that you truly are the best one for the position, and guess what statistics teach that you have to grab there attention within the first one minute, most employers decide within that first 60 seconds whether or not you "make the cut".

I read a survey not too long ago that showed that most people that attend church believe they WILL NOT have to account for their lives, or as my devotion I read today called it "our last great interview".  Scripture does speak to that:

For we will all stand before God’s judgment seat....So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God. (Ro 14:10-12, NIV)

Let that resonate for a minute...

One day every single one of us will give an account of himself/herself to God.

Let me make a suggestion, when that time comes and you do have that "last interview", you want to have Jesus Christ as your character witness.  You want Him, You Need Him or trust me:  the interview will not go well.

If you would like to know how to make Jesus your Character witness email me at : and I will help you.

Have a great day, Chris

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