Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Pain Relief

I hate pain.  Sounds redundant doesn't it, because I am sure we all do.  I have broke my wrist, ruptured a disk, ruptured another 7 months after the first one, and passed several kidney stones.  I know pain, and I hate it.  There is a pain that goes beyond physical, there is emotional pain.

Have you ever had a best friend stab you in the back?
Have you ever had a person in a relationship cheat on you?
Have you ever been lied to?
Have you ever been abused?
Have you ever been made fun of?
the list could go on.... and on.

The thing that we need to realize is that Jesus came to set us free, even from emotional pain.  He can identify with all of the above, think about it.

Judas betrayed him (best friend stab in back), we commit spiritual adultery every day (cheat on you), we have lied to him, He was abused by the soldiers and religious leaders, and Jesus was made fun of over and over (and still is by the way).

So what does that mean to us?  the answer is found in scripture:

5 For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.
(2 Co 1:5, NIV)

It means in every aspect of our lives that we have suffered (or are in pain) Jesus understands, He has been there, He can empathize, and He can comfort.  He is there, His waiting, He is wanting to ease your pain and comfort you in your time of need, will you let Him.

have a blessed day, Chris

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