Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Calling it Quits

Excerpt from my devotional book:
"Remember that time you quit the sports team?  Bailed out of a relationship?  Walked away from your job?

Sometimes quitting is the most sensible way to minimize your losses, so you may as well at times in your life give up on something or someone" 

31 But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” (Nu 13:31, NIV)

Haven't we all felt that way?  Haven't we all at some point walked away from something?  We may have said (or thought) it's too hard, too tough, I can't do it, I won't do it.  So we want to (and often do) walk away.

Then the unfortunate thing is:  We never know.....

was that the right relationship, was i meant to be the pro sports player, was that my job i was supposed to have?  and we are left with a feeling of emptiness sometimes because we feel like we have "missed" something.

The national of Israel missed out on what God wanted them to have because they gave up too soon, they got scared, and  they failed to remember the promises of God.  God had already promised them this land all they had to do was enter it, that's it :  enter it.

Don't quit, Don't give up, Don't throw in the towel.  You may feel like it, but don't give up on God because He never gives up on you.

have a blessed day!  chris.

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