Wednesday, February 27, 2013


ok so not one of Billy Joel's best known songs from 1982 but i do remember it, "Pressure"

Life is so full of pressure, no matter the age or gender:

and on and on and on and....... on the list could go.

In the midst of that we find ourselves saying, "come on God, REally??"  Sometimes we are so busy, so much pressure, so much anxiety, that we miss the voice of God, therefore miss the will of God.

"Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are God"  (1Kings 18:37)

Do you sense the anxiety, pressure, and stress in the voice.  Answer me, Answer me.  It's almost like begging God for an answer.

So how do we deal with pressure, stress, and anxiety.  You have to have an outlet, I have to have an outlet.

I actually have several.  I go for a run or walk.  I play xbox.  I used to play golf (though it seems i rarely have time anymore).

It's when we step back from situations that we realize that most of the pressure/stress in our lives is brought on by ourselves.  WE put so much pressure on ourselves to be successful.  Part of our problem is society, some of it is because pressure from parents, or maybe even pressure from siblings or friends.  Regardless of where it comes from you and I need to stop putting so much pressure on ourselves.

We are vastly as a society over medicated and unhealthy.  Most of that has to do with stress and how we deal with it.  A pill is not always the answer.  Now don't misunderstand me, sometimes it is a necessary means, I take medication for several things.  However, I also have been able to drop medication.  Simply because I am trying to become healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

Point being, find a way to properly deal with pressure.  Read a book.  Write poetry.  listen to music.  go for a walk, hike, or run.  Go biking.  Do something to get away from daily pressures and stresses.

Find a way to get healthier physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  It's the balance in life you and I need.

Will you join me as I continue to strive to get healthy?


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