Saturday, August 30, 2014

an uphill battle

Sometimes it seems life is such a steep up hill battle.  Let me restate that, life is a series of hard mountain climbs.  Climbing a mountain is hard, trying, and exhausting.

But the climb is worth it.

When you arrive at the peak we have the satisfaction of looking back at what you have accomplished along the way.  It's not just about arriving, It's about the journey to get there.  We can get so focused about getting to the top, climbing this mountain of adversity, that we miss the view along the way.  We are so consumed with the path up the mountain that we overlook the steps we took to get there.

Life is a series of mountains to climb.  As life progresses on, each mountain gets higher and harder.

There is the mountain of elementary school
there is the mountain of middle school
there is the mountain of high school
there is the mountain of college
there is the mountain of career
there is the mountain of family

there is also:

the mountain of finances
the mountain of illnesses
the mountain of self-doubt

there are also some no one expects:

the mountain of unemployment
the mountain of divorce
the mountain of cancer
the mountain of death

So how do you climb a mountain.....

one step at a time.  You can't stop, you can't give up, you cant give in or you will NEVER finish the climb.  You WILL get tired.  Rest.  Then take one step after another.  Steps of resilience, steps of courage, steps of patience, and steps of strength.

When you get to the top of that mountain, turn around and look how far you have come.  Look at the rest of the mountains you have climbed.  Celebrate, recover, and thank God for the ones that helped you climb.  Then get ready for the next mountain.

13 I can do everything through him who gives me strength.  (Php 4:13., NIV)

I will climb this mountain, I will get to the top, and it will be by His strength.

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