Wednesday, January 21, 2015

The Next Chapter

I have pretty much always been a reader.  I like all sorts of books:  historical, science fiction, biographies, and so on.  The thing about reading a book is with each new chapter begins a new adventure.  So, what would you do if you where reading a book, ended a chapter, and flipped to the next page to find it was blank.  This is exactly how I feel right now.  Blank.

I have no idea what the next chapter of my life holds, and it has me wrapped up in two emotions:  fear and excitement.  Fear because I am a planner and like to have everything well planned out, but also excitement because blank page means a chance to do something new, something different.

The hardest part of beginning a new chapter is ending the current one.  I am having a really hard time of letting go.  I loved this chapter of my life so much, which makes beginning a new one so hard. 

In the beginning of the book of Joshua, Joshua is dealing with beginning a new chapter in his life.  He has followed the leadership of Moses for so many years that you could imagine that he was comfortable being in Moses' shadow,  he enjoyed being Moses' partner, and I am quite sure he played his role well under Moses leadership.  Then, an abrupt ending came.  The relationship was severed due to the death of Moses and Joshua is faced with his next chapter.  Joshua is struck with the same fears I believe that I have, fear and excitement.  Fear because of being forced into a new role, and excitement because of a new role.  In the midst of this God speaks:

6 “Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people to inherit the land I swore to their forefathers to give them. 7 Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 8 Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Jos 1:6-9., NIV)

Three times God says, "Be strong and courageous", there must be a point in that.  God is the ultimate motivator and coach.  I can hear His voice in my head saying the same things to me.  "Be strong and Courageous".  God is writing a new chapter in my book of life and it all begins with being strong and courageous.  If I am going to be strong and courageous I must....

  1. Stay on target (vs. 7, "do not turn from it to the right or the left").  Man made circumstances have a way of trying to get us sidetracked in life.  God has called us with a plan and a purpose.  God's plan was for Moses to lead the people to the promised land, but when Moses sinned the plan changed.  Joshua was now to be the one to lead.  Joshua had to make a choice.  He could let man made circumstances dictate His decision.  He could be angry, he could feel sorry for himself, or He could lead.  Joshua decides to stay on target.
  2. Meditate on the Book (vs. 8).  My time has now been freed up to meditate on the Book.  In searching for answers to the questions I now have, I have spent time in God's love letter to me, the Bible.  Sometimes answers are hard to find, and sometimes we get frustrated because there is no immediate answers to our questions.  I have a lot of questions.  I am confused.  Joshua had questions, and quite sure he was confused as well.  God assured him that if he meditated on what God had written and was careful to adhere to it, then he would no only be OK, but would be successful.
  3. Remember that God will be with me wherever I go (vs. 9).  It would seem Joshua would already know that.  Joshua saw God do some pretty amazing things.  It would seem if anyone would already know that, Joshua would.  God still reminded him of the fact.  I have seen God do some pretty amazing things, I have taught that God is everywhere we go, and I say it to myself often.  But yet, I need to be reminded of it to.
God states something else to Joshua too.  He tells him to not be terrified or discouraged (vs. 9).

Two big emotions that I can identify with as well.

Fear and discouragement can cripple us.  Fear and discouragement can stop us dead in our tracks.  Fear and discouragement can hinder us from beginning a new chapter.  Joshua absolutely was full of fear and discouragement as he was thrust into new leadership with the passing of Moses.  God knew this and reminded him several times to be "strong and courageous".

The next chapter of life is here, right in front of me and I am looking at a blank page.  God is beginning to write it.  I must be strong and courageous so that I am not terrified and discouraged.


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