Thursday, March 12, 2015

Why I am the way that I am

While on my 6 mile run (thought I would throw that in there, lol) this morning, this thought "Why am I the way that I am" and this verse kept coming to my mind:

"10 After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. "  (Judges 2:10, NIV)

This verse and that thought leads us, or leads me to a defining moment.  Things that happen in life shape us and mold us into who we are.  Something was said in a church meeting several years ago that led me to really meditating and seeking God's will for my life.  That day began  to build a burden in my heart for students.

Eight years ago I was sitting in a church meeting and we where having an open discussion on how we where going to reach our community and things we where going to do to make our church more inviting, when someone spoke up and said this, "it costs too much money to concentrate on teenagers".  That statement really struck me, and struck me hard.  Now, please keep in mind I don't totally fault the person for the statement, for as a church we where at the time in a financial shortage, however it pierced like a knife through my heart when it was said.  It really opened my eyes to where God was leading me to:  Student Ministry.

God placed Judges 2:10 on my heart because it's reality.  If we don't concentrate on the current generation, and the generations to come the fact is they WILL NOT know who the LORD is or what He has done.  There is a tremendous need for Student Ministry, but yet the amount of Student Ministers are few.  I have been around long enough to know that sometimes in churches we get in to "maintenance" mode, in other words "what do we need to do to maintain who we have, or to keep the people happy".  If you around enough churches you will see that the average age of congregations are getting older, and the amount of younger couples, students, and kids is getting smaller.  That proves Judges 2:10 is coming to fruition.  Now don't misunderstand me, there are some churches and congregations that student ministry is a vital part of what they do, and I applaud them for that.

Student Ministers are the unsung hero's of the church, especially the ones who are part time or volunteer.  They are the direct examples (other than parents) of how to live the life.  They are counselors, chaperone's, teachers, leaders, and mentors to our next church leaders.  They have long long nights of texts, snapchats, and calls of teens in need who thinks no one else will listen to them.  It means long Thursday and Friday nights under the lights.  It means going from a tennis match, to a football game, to a golf match, a basketball game, and topped off with a band, school play, or chorus concert.  While trying to keep up with your own children's activities.  We do it not because we have to but because we want to.  We do it because we want them to know we care about them outside of the church setting.  Being a Student Minister is by far the most exhausting but most rewarding thing I have ever done.  To see a student on fire for God.  To see a student on the verge of giving up become a strong Jesus follower makes it all worth it.  When students fall in love with Jesus, they are "all in", it's an amazing thing to see.

A couple of years ago I was asked to turn in what dollar amount I wanted for the year's budget and then give a description of what I needed the funds for.  I came so close to putting a dollar amount on the back of a group picture of the students with these words:  "to invest in them".  That's what Student Ministers are doing.  We are investing our lives into your students.

It takes a special breed to be student minister.  We are solid in what we believe, but yet we still know how to laugh and have fun.  We are tired, but yet we still have energy.  We get frustrated, but yet we still go with it.  We get discouraged, but yet we keep trudging forward.  Our lives are full of others drama, but yet we still smile.  We have fun, but yet maintain a heart of worship....Because we are proud to be student ministers.

That is why I am the way that I am.  No matter where I go or what I do, Judges 2:10 will be ingrained in me.  I want to do all I can to ensure that this generation and generations to come "know who the LORD is and what He has done".

If we don't start seeing more student ministers, the church will see less and less students. 


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