Friday, March 6, 2015

Why I run

I love to run.  It's that plain and that simple.  Why?  Well, that is a good question.... let's begin with some background...

As I shared in a previous blog, my doctor told me several years ago that I needed to lose weight. I was approaching 40, overweight, always tired, and very out of shape.  She suggested I get outside and walk several times a week, which I did (half-hearted), but quickly was getting bored with it.  Then something scary happened... not long before my 40th birthday, I was on my walk when I became extremely light headed, pain in my chest, and pain radiating down my arm; and I knew what that was a sign of... heart attack.  It went away fairly quickly, but I called doctors office right away and they saw me and did an EKG, which came back abnormal and they scheduled a stress test.  Fortunately everything came back OK, but it really got me thinking about my health.

So reasons why I run:

  1. Brandy, Ginny, Rebekah, Samantha, and Olivia.  I run for my health, so I can be around for my wife and children.  Running is something I can do to not only lose weight, but strengthen my body.  I have asthma, when I first started running I couldn't even do a mile without being winded.  Now after running for two years, I can run for hours and my lungs are strengthened enough that I don't get winded.
  2. Stress.  Everyone needs an outlet.  Running gives me a chance to put the ear buds on and tune the world out, while burning away anxiety and stress.  Some people lift weights, hit the bag, or kick box, me I run.
  3. Confidence.  I have never been athletic.  Which means I have never caught that game winning touchdown pass, hit the home run, hit the 3 pointer to win, or kicked the goal.  However with running I have competed in several races and finished strongly.  Running is something I can do.  I am goal oriented, so days like today boost my confidence.  My goal was 8 miles today; when I hit 7 miles I felt good and still felt I had a lot left in me so when I hit 9 miles it was fist pump YEAH! time (people around me probably thought I was crazy but don't really care lol), finished the day with 9.33 miles (a new personal best); today gave me a huge boost in self-confidence on a day I needed it.
  4. Spiritual.  Days like today not only boost my confidence but it also gave me a solid 2 hours to commune with God.  Two hours of praying, asking questions, and listening for answers.  Two hours of uninterrupted (which is hard to do) time with my Creator.
  5. Freedom.  Something about running gives me the sense of freedom.  I don't know or understand why, but it does.
  6. Nature.  I run outdoors.  Whether it's 15 degrees or 80, I run outside.  Don't do the treadmill thing.  I had thought about it at one point, because I don't run if its less than 15 outside (and we have had a few of these days here).  Running gives you a chance to explore and see new things.  I even run while on vacation, you see more.
  7. Energy.  I know it sounds crazy, but on days that I run I have more energy and I sleep better.  Days I don't run I feel drained and mopey all day.
  8. I can.  I run because I can, and so can you. I was reading in a book the other day that running is the oldest sport.  Biblically running is mentioned several times for that reason.  The Greeks originated competitive running and it has been around every since, therefore, running is mentioned in scripture because people understood it.  Running is an all inclusive group, whether you run a 6 minute mile or 15 minute, you are still a runner.  You can work on distance or you can work on speed, or both. 
  9. Community.  Running is a community of people that have respect for one another.  We encourage each other.  Most runners will give each other a thumbs up or a wave when we pass each other.  Runners ask each other how the run was, cause it's not about the distance or time, its about the run.
  10. Me Time.  Some of my best sermon ideas, ideas, and problems get solved during a run.  Who knows maybe the worlds problems could be solved by a good long run... :)
I'm sure I could come up with more, but that pretty much gives the highlights of why I am a runner.

"let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1b-2a, NKJV)


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