Saturday, April 16, 2016

less noise

Only recently have I begun to understand and appreciate the Spiritual Discipline of “Silence and Solitude”.  The benefits of taking time away from everything and commune with our Creator, are far more than can be listed.

On a personal level I have Silence and Solitude in my daily life two ways.  One is that I take long runs 3-4 days a week that range from one hour to an hour and a half.  These runs benefit me several ways.  This is my time alone with God, away from the hourly grind of ministry, and away from everything.  My ear buds on I am tuning everything else out while listening to either Praise and worship music or my audio Bible.  If there is a day that I am not able to, I really feel stressed and overwhelmed the rest of the day.  God has given me my greatest sermons and most precious prayer time while on my runs.  The other thing I do several times a week, specifically on days I don’t run, is after I do my devotion and journal I spend 20 minutes in meditation.  I make sure phone is off, computer, etc. I close the blinds, lock my office door, and avoid all interruptions during my time of meditation.  I have an application on my phone called “relaxation sounds” that I listen to sometimes (sound of ocean, rain, wind, etc.) it really helps to relax and have solitude.  Sometimes I use nothing and truly have a time of silence.


Silence and Solitude is so difficult these days.  It is hard to get away from the noise of the world, and the technology that consumes our life.  We are people that are overworked, over stressed, and undisciplined.  It takes a lot of time, effort, and energy to ensure that we experience silence and solitude, however the benefits outweigh the effort of making sure we put it in our schedule.


He says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." (Psalm 46:10, NIV)


Chris L. Reese

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