Monday, January 9, 2017

His word is His bond

49 The royal official said, “Sir, come down before my child dies.” 50 Jesus replied, “You may go. Your son will live.” The man took Jesus at his word and departed.  (John 4:49-50)


Jesus was in Cana of Galilee, mind you the same area where He performed His first miracle (the turning of water to wine).  As Jesus is going through a royal official comes to Him and asks for help with his son, apparently on the verge of death.  Jesus just simply looks at him and responds “go, your son will live”.  The official has a decision here: am I going to just simply take Him at His word, or do I need more.


I hear of times past where one could take someone simply at their word, their word was their bond.  Sometimes a firm handshake would follow, regardless both parties would leave with the assurance that the other would follow through.  I don’t really know these times.  If you are like me, life is full of broken promises, empty words, and failed reassurances.  Now don’t get me wrong, there are a few that their word is their bond, but they are just a FEW.  Most don’t intentionally break promises.  There are some that just forget, some that mean well and just overload themselves, and some that make promises just to get you to do what they want.  Every situation is different.  When someone breaks a promise, it affects you, and when it keeps happening you lose hope in people.  Maybe you are there, maybe you are close, or maybe you still believe in the word and handshake.  However, if you are like me, most promises that someone has made to me have been broken and it leaves me as a skeptic.  The very moment someone says to me now, “I will do it, I promise”, in the back of my mind I am already thinking, “yeah, right”.


Then comes Jesus.  We don’t know if the man’s life was full of empty promises or fulfilled ones.  Here is the one thing He knew, Jesus had told him that he may go, and His son will live.  The official wanted Jesus to come to his home, Jesus had made it apparent that He didn’t need to and the miracle was already done.  I wonder when he walked away how he felt, I wonder if he thought “man this guy Jesus is too busy for me, He totally blew me off”.  Now imagine how he felt when he got home to find his son totally healed.  Sometimes we think we need to direct Jesus to do things the way we want Him to.  Sometimes we think that the world is just full of empty promises and broken words.  Jesus however has promised that He will never leave us or forsake us, He has promised to be with always, and He has promised to walk with us through every aspect of life, and all He is asking is for us to do as the official did and take Him at His word, even if you do not understand it.

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