Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Dare to be different

"To be one, to be united is a great thing. 

But to respect the right to be different is maybe even greater." -Bono

      1 Blessed is the one 
         who does not walk in step with the wicked 
         or stand in the way that sinners take 
         or sit in the company of mockers, 
      2 but whose delight is in the law of the LORD, 
         and who meditates on his law day and night. 
      3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, 
         which yields its fruit in season 
         and whose leaf does not wither— 
         whatever they do prospers. (Psalm 1:1-3)

Dare to be different.... in a world that is screaming at you to conform.  Stick to your beliefs in a world that is telling you that your faith is outdated.  Stick to your morals in a world that is telling you immorality is ok.  Stick to the Words of the Holy Scripture in a world that wants you compromise your beliefs.  Stay true to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in a world that wants you to flow with society.

It continues to astound me that we are living in a society that wants all to be tolerant of all beliefs, and yet they won't be tolerant of what the conservative Christian believes.  They don't want us to cram down their throat what we believe, and yet they continue to cram down ours what they believe and say that we are being intolerant if we don't accept it.  I/we have the right to believe what we want and can live according to that, as does others in society.  I get that.  

I have the right to believe that abortion is murder, I have the right to believe that homosexuality goes against human nature and the purpose for which we are created, I have the right to believe that marriage is between one man and one woman, I have the right to believe that we are created in the image of God, I have the right to believe that the Bible is the infallible, inerrant, and pure word of God, and so do you.  On the flip side you also have your right to what you believe, I support that right.  I am responsible for me, and you are responsible for you.  Just because I don't believe what you do, does not make me intolerant.  Just because I don't think, act, or believe like someone else doesn't mean that I am mean, ignorant, or intolerant.  I won't vote, support, or hang in circles like you do, but that doesn't mean we are enemies or that we can't be friends.  However, there is a limit, and that is in verse 1, I will not sit with mockers.  If you are going to make fun of me and what I believe then it will be impossible to be friends.

We are called to dare to be different, we are called to not walk with society if that leads away from what is True and Right.  Don't walk the path of society that is leading to destruction, you don't have to be part of it.  Don't stand with sinners, you don't have to be still.  Keep moving forward with God.  Take delight in who He is, in who you are, and the greatness of the Gospel.  Meditate on His Word for it will never fail you.

Dare to be different, Jesus did.

Have a blessed day, Chris

1 comment:

  1. Amazing message Thank you pastor Chris you always come to my rescue.God Bless you and your family and Happy Birthday
