Friday, February 11, 2011

Do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth???

One of my favorite lines out of the movie "Rush Hour", but really how many times have we wanted to say that.  It's like we are talking as clearly as possible and yet still parents, peers, and people in general still don't get what we are trying to say.  Its called being misunderstood, and boy i would say we have all been there.  Guess what we are not alone.  At 12 years old Jesus was already misunderstood. 

Setting the scene, Jesus and His family traveled to Jerusalem annually for the Passover Festival.  Now when they traveled it's not just Jesus and immediate family, It's Jesus and His whole family, friends, neighbors, and anyone else who wanted to travel the journey with them.  They attended the Festival, then began the trip back home.  Joseph and Mary "assumed" Jesus was with them, somewhere.  Now come on before you judge them, how many times have you assumed something, especially when it comes to family.  Really reminds me of the movie "Home Alone", you know big family together, mad rush to get somewhere and poor Kevin gets left behind.  Well, in this case family is all together and leaves Jerusalem, sometime on the trip back they begin to ask around, "Have you seen Jesus?" and can't find Him.  Parent's worst nightmare:  missing child.  The mad rush now to return to Jerusalem is on, they get there and return to the temple find him.

8 When his parents saw him, they were astonished. His mother said to him, “Son, why have you treated us like this? Your father and I have been anxiously searching for you.” (Lk 2:48, NIV)

Isn't that a typical Mother, scolding the son, most of us know exactly how Jesus felt right there, He knew He was in trouble, this would be one of the times we would have gotten called by our first, middle, and last name (ex.  Christopher Lloyd Reese) , boy I've heard that a time or two, how bout you?  Essentially she tells Him, Jesus we have been worried Sick about you!  Now Check out Jesus' response:

49 “Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” ( Lk 2:49, NIV)

Here is essentially what He says, "Why? I'm doing what i am supposed to"  Hmmmm, How many times have you and i felt like we where doing what we are supposed to, and someone says Where have you been? What have you been doing? or Why are you doing it? We respond that we feel like we "need" to, that we "have" to, and still they don't get it.  Jesus knows and dealt with it, His own parents didn't "get it" yet (although they soon will).

50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. (Lk 2:50, NIV)

So what usually happens at this point?  Well i would venture to say most times an argument ensues, feelings get hurt, we may get angry, and we definitely get frustrated.  We get stubborn, we clash and won't bend on anything.  Jesus being perfect, pure and holy responds very differently:

51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. ( Lk 2:51, NIV)

Wow, did you catch that.  No argument, no heated discussion, no stubbornness, and no feelings hurt.  Jesus was obedient to His parents.  Think about that.

What happens is that Mary remembers this, and the puzzle begins to fit together for her.

Have a great weekend, and go worship somewhere. 


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