Thursday, March 29, 2012

promises, promises

Warning 80's flashback, "promises, promise" by naked eyes

The premise of the song/video was about a relationship in which one party made alot of promises and didn't keep them.....

and if you have been around long enough, it has happened to you:  someone made a promise and didn't keep it, or maybe it was you that made the promise and didn't keep it.

20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ.  (2 Co 1:20, NIV)

God has made a lot of promises:
He will always love you
He will never leave you
He will always listen
He will always care
He will always be there
He will always forgive (if we ask)
He will always guide
and the list could go on and on.......

When it come to you: are you a person of their word, can I (or someone else) rely on simply what you say.  Your answer to that determines what your character is.  think about it.

Have a great day, Chris

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