Tuesday, July 14, 2015

its worth the wait

Waiting is so hard isn't it.  Remember how hard it was as a kid when Thanksgiving rolled around and you had to wait for Christmas.  Remember how it is when you go to eat and your so hungry, and it seems like it takes the food soooooooo long to get there.  Remember how it is when you are so ready for vacation and it seems like the days just drag by as the dates get closer.  Maybe you ordered something on Amazon you have been wanting for a long time, and it seems like the three days to wait is taking forever.  Oh my waiting is so hard.

"On that day it will be said, "look, this is our God; we have waited for Him, and He has saved us.  This is the Lord;  We have waited for Him. Let us rejoice and be glad in His salvation."  (Isaiah 25:9, HCSB)

Waiting on God is even harder.  God's concept of time and ours are so different.  God sees things from an eternal point of view, you and I, well, we only see the here and now.  If you are like me you want it done and you want it now.  I want God to work and do it now.  I know that sounds really demanding, but God already knows what I am thinking so I might as well say it.  Moving on.... I don't really like to wait, maybe you are the same way.

I have learned that when you stand back and are fervent in prayer, it is such a relief to see when He does answer.  You are able to look back and smile and see that truly this was something only God could have orchestrated, only something He could have pieced together.  Then you have this satisfaction of knowing that  He did it and it elevates your worship to adoration.

So, yes, my friend waiting is hard, but my is it worth the wait.

Look this is our God, we have waited for him..... Look this is the Lord; we have waited for Him...

and He did not disappoint...

Have a great day, Chris

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