Thursday, January 13, 2011

January 13, 2011

The past snow days have really gotten me into thinking about this whole series we have been studying about "Bringing Balance into our lives".  We have talked alot about balancing Church, FAmily, Friends, etc., and how God is wrapped around the whole thing (Matt. 6:33).

The greatest example of what happens when things get out of balance, has been the past week.  You think about it a minute.  A normal day of a student is you spend time at school, with friends, and with that significant other.  However when snow days come along, it knocks all of that out of balance.  As in no school, not seeing friends, and oh my gosh don't get to see my gf or bf (haha).  Think of how you felt, or feel when snow impacts your day or days.  It knocks everything out of balance doesn't it? haha.  oh sure it was fun the first day or two, but after several days you want to be back in school, you want to see your friends, and you want to see gf/bf.

Unfortunately when it comes to balance and equality whithin our pie (our life) the question is do we WANT to have balance between them all, there is a need for that balance, but do we want it?

Do we want to spend time with God?  Do we want to spend time in Church? Do we want to spend time with family? and so forth?  Each piece of the pie is essential.....This Sunday is one of my favorite pieces of the pie to work on.... FUN

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