Thursday, January 20, 2011


This morning I was reading in 2 Kings and read chapters 4 & 5, was a steady flow of miracles that God did through Elisha.  The widows oil miraculously multiplied (4:1-6), The Shunammite's Son raised from the dead (4:18-36), The Deadly stew (4:38-41), Bread Multiplied (4:42-44), Naaman's Disease healed (5:1-19), and of course who could forget the floating axe head (6:1-7).

Was thinking about how we downplay the word "miracle".  How do we downplay it? How often have we said these things:  It was a miracle i found a front parking space, It was a miracle that UNC won a game, it was a miracle that the light turned green, it was a miracle i passed the test, it was a miracle i made it on time, etc., i think you get the point.

Miracle is defined as:  an extraordinary event manifesting divine intervention in human affairs
(Merriam-Webster, Inc: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary. 10th ed. Springfield, Mass., U.S.A. : Merriam-Webster, 1996, c1993)
We usually use the word according the first part of the definition "an extraordinary event", but often forget that all important second part of "divine intervention".
My definition of "miracle" is when God steps in and does something that Man couldn't.  The question is posed then, Does God still perform miracles today?  the answer is yes!!  Strange things happening that Doctors, scientists, and philosphers cant explain.  But always remember this, i believe that the greatest miracle that is performed today is when God changes a life, He did mine, and that my friends is a miracle.
blessings on your day, chris.

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