Thursday, April 25, 2013

The Grudge

"Esau held a grudge against Jacob because of the blessing his father had given him.  And Esau determined in his heart:  "the days of mourning for my father are approaching; then I will kill my brother Jacob."  (Genesis 27:41 (HCSV)

Grudge:  a feeling of deep-seated resentment or ill will (Webster's)

If anyone had a right to hold a grudge it would be Esau, right?  I mean his younger brother stole something precious from him, His Blessing.  The blessing was a special rite or act when the father would lay hands on and ask God to bless His eldes son.  Jacob stole that.  The unfortunate thing was Esau was holding a grudge against the wrong person.  His anger was to the point where he wanted kill his own brother.  Kill him.  Wasn't Jacob's fault.  This was actually a plot by his mother, Rebekah, she told Jacob to do it, in fact in vs. 13, she tells him to obey her and do it.  So who should Esau really be mad at...

Anger, bitterness, or a Grudge.  It's not good.  It eats away at you, Esau it was to the point he wanted to commit a crime, cold blooded murder.  Why do we even carry a grudge?  Why do we allow such a thing to change who we are?  To change us from a satified happy go lucky kind of person to someone who wants to commit such a hainus act.

Some people will carry a grudge to the grave with them.  Why?  It's bad enough when someone wrongs us, but do we really want to empower them by carrying this weight of a grudge all the way to our death?

God wants you to be free from that.  God want's you to carry a much lighter load.  Your better than that. 

What would it take for you to let it go? 

Doesn't matter what it is.

Is it fair how they wronged you?  absolutely not.

The sooner you let it go, the sooner you can be set free.

Set free from the Grudge.

Experience the freedom.

Have a great day, Chris

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