Wednesday, April 16, 2014

memory problems

Anyone who knows me well enough knows I have memory problems. I often tell people that if you want me to remember something don't just tell me, but tell me AND hand me a note.  When I say my memory is bad, it is really bad.  I have a hard time remembering the simplest things.  I am writing notes and putting them on my steering wheel in my car if I need to make a stop on way home (this cracks my wife up). 

Why is my memory so bad?  Who knows maybe its stress, maybe age, maybe 4 daughters, or maybe its because my brain is so full that it can't handle anymore (insert laughter here).

Forgetting something is so frustrating.

I forget things I need to remember, and yet I remember things I wished I could forget.

I wished I could erase some of my greatest failures in life.  I wished I could forget the list of mistakes.  I wished I could forget the pain I caused people.  I wished I could forget a lot.

God willingly forgets.

“For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Je 31:34. NIV)

Forgetting our sins is something God WANTS to do, its something He is WILLING to do.  Its not frustrating for Him, its His desire.

9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 Jn 1:9.NIV)

It all begins with confession (or agreeing with God).  Nothing is hidden from Him.  When confess (or agree with) God there is NEVER a time that He will not forgive.  Ever.  No matter what I have done, will do today, or in the future God is faithful.  The word forgiveness in scripture means, "as if it never happened".

I'm often reminded of the things I do wrong, but it is never God that brings them up, its me.  It's like I can't let them go, I can't forgive myself, or I won't forgive myself.  Then there is "others" in my life.  You know, the one's who have wronged us.  The list is long.  Not only the ones I have wronged, but the ones who willingly did me wrong.

We don't like to forget what they have done either.  We like to hold it over their head for, well forever.  The strange thing is that we want people to forgive and forget what we have done, but yet we don't want to forgive and forget what is done to us.  Kind of ironic isn't it.  God doesn't work that way.  He doesn't hold things against us.  When He forgives, He remembers no more. ever.

Today would you experience the forgiveness of God.  Would you confess your wrong to Him. 

Today would you experience the forgiveness of yourself.

Today would you experience to forgiveness of someone else.

Let it go, experience the freedom of not having to hold on to the bad memories and grudges.

Have a great day, Chris

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