Thursday, January 24, 2013

i need a miracle

I can't count the number of times I have said, "Lord, I need a Miracle", How about you?

"He answered, 'A wicked and adulterous generation asks for a miraculous sign!" (Matt. 12:39)

Now of course there is a huge difference between what Jesus was talking about here, and what I am asking for.  Jesus is talking about people asking for a miracle so that they might believe He is who He says He is.  Me, I already believe and I'm asking for something out of the ordinary.  See the difference.

Scott Thompson used to always say, "If we say we are going to have a time of prayer, we can't even halfway fill a church up, but if we say we gonna make a man's leg grow a foot we can fill the Asheville Civic Center".  There is a lot of truth in that. 

God performs miracles everyday around us.  The sun shining is a miracle in itself.  The air you and i breathe.  The creation all around us.  You yourself are a miracle.  The way the body is put together.  The way the brain works.  Miracle, miracle, miracle, and miracle.  The greatest miracle that God does today is when God transforms a life, when He takes someone and changes their life, their eternal destiny, and uses them for His glory.  That is a miracle.

We undermine and overuse the word "miracle",  If we pull up to the mall and find a front parking spot "it's a miracle", if we make it through a holiday without family members fighting "it's a miracle", if a quarterback goes a whole game without throwing an interception, "it's a miracle", if UNC wins a basketball game "it's a miracle" (through that in for my unc buddies, haha), when the Red Sox won the world series, "it's a miracle" (ok maybe it was), and we made a whole move called "Miracle", when the the US in 1980 won Gold in Men's Hockey.

Ed McMinn wrote, "Jesus knew that miracle don't produce faith, but rather faith produces miracles", think about it.

Have great day, Chris

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