Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The meaning of life

I love this scene in the movie "City Slickers"; the character played by Billy Crystal is struggling with meaning of life.  Jack Palace tells him the meaning has to do with "one thing".

Makes you wonder, makes you ponder, What is that ONE thing?

is it Career?

What is the one thing that makes you get out of bed in the morning, what is the one thing that makes you smile?  What is the one thing that makes you sing?  Dance? laugh? 

"My purpose is that they...may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge"  (Col. 2:2,3)

We spend alot of time and energy trying to figure out what the "meaning of life" is?  What our purpose is?  WE make it a whole lot harder than what it is:

The meaning of life is this:  To know Christ.

Through knowing Christ, He gives your life meaning, purpose, and direction.

Without Him no meaning, no purpose, no direction.

You can try that "one thing" in everything else, but your gonna come up short.

Have a great day, Chris

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