Tuesday, April 28, 2015

my desire

Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

I don't want fame
I don't want riches
I don't want new car
I don't want a new home
It is not the desire of my heart.  Many read that, and automatically they assume I'm lying.  I mean who doesn't want that stuff.  Me, for one.

The last three months has been a learning curve for me.  It has helped me to discover, what I want.... I mean what I really want.  To all of a sudden not being able to do your hearts desire, now that my friend is extremely difficult.  To not have a church to call "home" now that is difficult.  To have life as you know it thrown in to turmoil now that is difficult.  To get to a point where all you can do is trust God because nothing else is working, or happening.  To get to a point where you realize faith is all you need because faith is all you have..... Sometimes you need to lose what you had to appreciate what you have.

Delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desire of your heart....

I have such an appreciation for the local church now.  I thought I had before, but it has grown more now than I ever thought It could have.  The local church is the gift of God to His people.  The local body of believers is needed.  It's funny how it takes losing that for awhile before we realize it.  It's a place where we feel belong.  I have a realization now of what it is to not feel like you belong somewhere. 

Don't misunderstand me, you can serve and minister outside of the local body of believers, and some organizations do that very well.  However, the church is so much more than that.  The local body of believers is a place to learn, teach, vent, grow, serve, be served, worship, care, be cared for, build friendships, sympathize, help, pray, commune, play, laugh, cry, identify, give, receive, counsel, connect, and so much more....

The desire of my heart is to serve God in the local church, through the local church, and by the local church.  I can't see myself doing anything else, and I don't want to do anything else.

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." (Matthew 7:7, NIV)

I'm asking, seeking, and knocking.... waiting for the door to open.


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