Tuesday, April 14, 2015

What's my purpose?

What's my purpose?  What is the purpose in what is happening in life?  What is the meaning of all this?  I have questions.... Many of them.... don't you?

We wrap our purpose up in so many different things.  Let me explain.  Sometimes we believe our purpose is found in our career, our family, our spouse, or our children.  When we wrap ourselves in thinking that our purpose is found in one of those two things happen.  One we will find ourselves let down, and two our thinking is way too small.  These two things cause huge problems in our lives.

First of all, is being let down.  If we define our purpose in career, family, spouse, or children all of them can be lost or gained.  This in turn can cause us to feel either devastated in a loss, or too prideful in a gain.  Please don't misunderstand me, I love my career, family, spouse, and children.  They are all an essential part of my life.  However, as I have discovered if we define ourselves simply based upon our purpose in life being one of them when we lose one, we lose our sense of purpose.  When we lose our sense of purpose it begins to put our life in a downward spiraling motion.

Secondly, is our thinking is narrowed entirely too small.  Everything becomes all about me and my little world.  It causes us to be self-sustained and only concerned about things that affect us directly.

There is a much bigger picture than that.  God has much bigger plans.  God has a much bigger purpose in mind.

9 who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time,
 (2 Ti 1:9., NIV)

Our purpose is not my own.  My purpose, your purpose, is based upon what God created you for.  God created you and me to a "holy life", a different life than everyone else.  Not because He feels that you and I are better than anyone else, not because He feels you can do it better than anyone else, and not because you think you are better than anyone else.  Jesus died so that you and I could have eternal life, but also so you and I could have a holy life. God called us, has given us a purpose that is so much bigger than what you and I can ever imagine.  His purpose is eternal, my purpose is eternal, and your purpose is eternal.  Think about that. 

Your purpose is so much bigger than what you immediately see.  To think that your purpose is only found in career, family, spouse, and children limits your purpose.  There are no limits to your purpose.  God's purpose for you is eternal, it has no bounds.  Eternity has no beginning, and has no ending, therefore neither does your purpose.

God is painting a much larger picture than you and I can see.  He invites you and I to take part in His grand masterpiece.  When God created you, He created you with an eternal purpose in mind.  This life is discovering what that eternal purpose is.

Take time on this journey of life to discover what your eternal purpose is.  The only limit to your purpose is the one you put on it.

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