Thursday, May 16, 2013


Loyalty: unswerving in allegiance: as
a : faithful in allegiance to one’s lawful sovereign or government
b : faithful to a private person to whom fidelity is due
c : faithful to a cause, ideal, custom, institution, or product (Webster's)

Loyalty is a lost art...

Now the statements I am about to make i completely understand that they are blanket statements and that there are exceptions (which I will refer to in a minute).

Loyalty is a lost art...

players are not loyal to their teams
workers are not loyal to their companies
boyfriends are not loyal to their girlfriends (and vice versa)
husbands are not loyal to their wives (and vice versa)
friends are not loyal to friends

Now there are some exception to the statement I made about loyalty, for example:

Chipper as an Atlanta Brave

Petty and STP 43

and as much as it pains me to put this one:

Jeffy (whiny) Gordon in the Dupont 24 Chevy

Then there are these guys:

My boy Brett, listen I'm a HUGE Brett Favre fan and was ecstatic when he signed the "lifetime" contract with Green Bay.  However, as we learned, the loyalty went out the door and he became a "Jet" and retired (finally) as a "Viking"

This one "pains" me too.  Prince Fielder, proof that a "chubby" guy can do well in MLB.  Contract was up and jetted to Detroit.

Didn't you always think this guy was going to wear a Colts uniform. 

Switching gears, to spirituality. Not only are players no longer loyal to their teams, we are not loyal to God.

"Your loyalty is like the morning mist and like the early dew that vanishes"  (Hosea 6:4b, HCSB)

"For I desire loyalty and not sacrifice" (Hosea 6:6a, HCSB)

Where is my, your, loyalty to God these days?  Where is our priority these days?

God's desire is loyalty....

let me state that again

God's desire is loyalty....

We make deals with God.  If you will get me out of this, if you will take care of my problems, if you will fix my life, if you will take care of my financial problems, if you will take care of my marital problems, if you will take care of my problems with my children, if you will take care of my problems of my jobs.... then I will follow you and worship you forever....

knowing you won't do it.....  guess who else knows that  (God)

Stop making deals, just be loyal.

Times will be hard, everything will not always be as you want it, finances may dry up, family may not be right, friendships might get tough, but through it all God is there.  He is totally loyal to you.

Will you be loyal to Him?

"God help me to be loyal to you, everyday with all that I am" - me

Have a Great Day, Chris

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