Wednesday, May 15, 2013


"Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few.  Therefore, pray to the Lord of the Harvest to sent out workers into His harvest." (Matthew 9:37-38)

Time and time again we complain about the moral state of our society.  We complain about the people leading this country.  We complain about character of people living in our cities. 

My thought this morning is maybe instead of complaining, we need compassion.

Is the problem the people, or is it our perspective?  Is the problem that society is on a downward moral spiral because of them, or is it because as Christians we are failing to do what we are called to do?

Jesus said the above statement right before He was sending His 12 out into towns to reach people.  Twelve ordinary men against whole societies.

There are 105 Southern Baptist Churches in my county, how is it that we are not a Christian county?  That's Just SBC churches, there are a whole lot more that call themselves "evangelical" churches.....

Jesus knew then what we are dealing with today:  the harvest is abundant but the workers are few.

Our perspective shouldn't be that Asheville is a cesspool of sin, it should be that Asheville is a harvest that is abundant.  Our perspective should be that we are willing to be workers in this harvest.  Instead of complaining, we should see the people with compassion, as sheep without a shephard.

I can't do it alone, you can't do it alone.  Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers.  We need them, but it has to start with me.

Will you join me?

"Lord change my perspective, help me to see the harvest and send recruits to help" - me

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