Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We the People...

We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

I remember having to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution in Elementary School (just don't remember which grade).  I don't think I really realized at that point in time the importance of such a document.  I am just now beginning to grasp the concept of the greatness of the vision of our forefathers as they penned and signed our great Constitution.

I'm quite sure that not everyone who signed the document agreed 100% on everything.  I'm quite sure that not EVERYONE who was on the second Continental Congress that voted to pass the Declaration of Independence was a follower of Jesus Christ, but that is what makes this country great.  We live in a country that is full of diversity, and diversity is what makes us great.

Sometimes I think we get too caught up in "me the people" instead of "we the people".  It's not just about what I think or what you think, Its not just about what Democrats think or Republicans think, and It's not about what Liberals think or Conservatives think.  It's about what this great document says and what it represents.  Freedom.

You and I are free to think and believe what we want, you and I are free to live as we want, and you and I are free to be the person you and I want to be, to the extent that we don't harm anyone else.  It's what makes this country beautiful.

We run into problems when you and I try to define what the constitution says based upon our perspective.  It has to be defined from the perspective of the ones who created it, not according to what we "think". 

I have the right, and my children have a right, to believe what we want.  We choose to believe that Jesus is the Christ, that He was crucified, He rose on the third day, and that because of His great sacrifice now I can have eternal life.  I believe that life begins at conception.  I believe that a biblical marriage is man and woman.  I believe my children have the right to pray when they want and how they want.  These are my rights, this is my freedom.  I'm not forcing what I believe on anyone, my children are not forcing what they believe on anyone.  We are expressing our right to be free.  Why can't liberal media, liberal politicians, and civil rights group grasp that.  You will never convince me that abortion is right, you will never convince me that marriage should be redefined, and you will never convince me that removing the name of God from government will accomplish something great.

I don't raise a ruckus if my children have a teacher that is homosexual, agnostic, atheist, or different religion.  So why do people raise a fuss if they or I choose to exercise our faith, it's our right. 

It's also your right to disagree with me, and you know what?  I'm OK with that. 

In the name of religious freedom, Christians are losing religious freedom....yes, it's happening.

We the people....

I am "we the people" and so are you...


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