Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am not your enemy

One of my favorite lines out of one of my favorite movies, "The Rundown"

In the movie the rock is a bounty hunter who goes to south america to bring back one Travis Walker.  The Rock captures him and is on his way to bring him back until Hatcher finds out Travis knows the location of a valuable artifact.  The Rock is fleeing from Hatcher with Travis to leave country when they run into Rebels who are trying to overthrow Hatcher.  Travis convinces the Rebels (because he speaks their language and the Rock doesn't) that The Rock works for Hatcher, and so a fight scene is about to happen, right before the fight scene the Rock looks at the rebels and says, "I am not your enemy, I do no want to fight you".  Instead of fighting together against Hatcher they fought each other.  They end up working together in the end to overthrow Hatcher, but the point is they wasted time and energy fighting each other, instead of their common enemy.

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12, NIV)

We spend way too much time fighting against those who we "think" are our enemies.  We fight against friends, neighbors, co workers, teachers, parents, siblings, and who knows else.  People make us angry and we think they are against us, people hurt us and we want to do everything we can to get them back, people talk bad about us, people spread rumors that are not true, people are spoiled and get angry when they don't get what they want..... I get that, I understand that, we all do.  We all get angry, but we spend time, way too much time, fighting against one another, when reality is..... I am not your enemy, you are not my enemy, but we do have a common enemy: Satan.  Let's get past our differences, quit wasting time, and energy and wage war against Him together.

Remember that person you  don't like is not your enemy....

our greatest weapon is Love

Have a great day, Chris

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